Monday, October 19, 2020

Am I to blame for the fall in our relationship?

My ex and I dated for about a year ish and things were great however, a 2-3 months ago I started feeling lonely and grim so I would distance myself. My ex then tells me he finds my distance, depressing and he wants to work on bettering his mental health. Which i’m okay with and suggests a break which I was okay with because I was not feeling it. I felt better and all as university started again and I got a short term job. He said that he still wanted to communicate with me but will reply when he can and that the distance was to let things build causally.So I would message here and there asking how he was or what he had been up to and such and he wouldnt reply after a few days or a week but kept saying he is busy and will reply when he could. (Although he wasn’t busy, he was playing games constantly even though he says he wasn’t). The distance grew and I was ready to move on and I said I wanted to break up because it isnt working out and I need to go as I kept overthinking. He then messages me saying he has felt more depressed and anxious and he has a shit life right now. That made me more upset and anxious and I asked him at least once a week if he is okay. But he choose to ignore it. Yesterday I texted saying I will call you if you aren’t going to tell me whatsup or give me closure. Then I was instantly blocked on everything. That hurt like mad.I’m here thinking, what did I do wrong? I guess I nagged but I was really confused. Am I to blame for the block or the bad blood? I dont get why he wont straight up tell me we are done. Maybe I’m overthinking it.. or didn’t read things properly. via /r/relationship_advice

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