Friday, October 16, 2020

Anxiety battle, 22F

Hi! I’ve struggled with anxiety and panic disorders for 6 years. It recently got bad when I got sick with covid, I have hypochondria as well so that’s why I overthink health related issues. I wasn’t able to leave my house or anything at all after, I got panic attacks 4 times a day , I had a fear that my lungs had something wrong with them or my heart, I was off meds then back on, i was always focusing on my breathing. I take Zoloft and honestly it’s saved me, I’ve been able to actually leave my house with no panic attacks! It’s a miracle, I had bad shortness of breath for months and chest pain and ended up in ER 4 weeks ago , they did a CT scan on my lungs and checked my heart and said I’m healthy and fine , so that made me feel much better especially since I had corona a month prior! The last 2 days I’ve had a flair up with my GERD and it’s increasing my anxiety again :( I’ve been having tightness around my collar bone area and throat, could this be my anxiety causing this? Especially since my reflux is bad, I keep taking deep breaths too I feel like I’m just way anxious... via /r/Anxiety

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