Saturday, October 10, 2020

Chance me for Stanford

Indian international girl(first in family to go to USA for cllg, low income) would require full financial aid. Interested and will apply as a symsyms (only for Stanford) rest cllgs as comp sci major.Stats:- 9th 90.4 % 10th 96.8% 11th 96.2%SAT:- not sending (gave the October 3rd but messed the reading section)IELTS:-8 BandsEssays:- sent for review(it is not related to my major the common app one)ECs(so here is the thing most of my ecs are of 12th grade) 1. Prefect and captain in 9th and 10th 2. Completed and published 1 book collection of poetries, 2nd one is under process consists of interviews with people on mental health awareness 12th during lockdown. 3. Have a WordPress website for poetries started in 12th starting of 2020 4. Have been a volunteer at an NGO for my summer breaks for more than 3 years now from 9th till now. 5. Worked as a campus ambassador at IMUN(p.s. it was shit) and working as study abroad campus ambassador. 6. Attended 4 sessions of the global youth UNICEF foundation for social, global and general awareness, had a chance to make new connections virtually. Also, took part at various Just a minute competitions in 9th and 10th (also won school level olympiads in 9th and before, should I add these??) 7. Interning at three(student led organisations) organisations as the head of blogging and proofreading, senior graphic designer and content writer in 12th grade 8. Completed a virtual experience program at JP Morgan which gave so much valuable insights in my future, forked data, ran programs, read documents and implemented the intensive taught skills.(it was really good) Also, completed the software engineering virtual experience;(it was rubbish) got to more about the culture at Microsoft. Also, know python in 12th. 9. Have 2 personal projects and also build skills for Amazon and Google using templates but never published them(should I add this, because it was way too easy?) In 12th. 10. Started a non-profit recently, build a website for it and also building an app for it with the help of my team(in 12th)P.s. I want to go to Stanford but my counsellor says to apply to other ivies, if I apply to any other college except for Stanford will be applying as computer science major there. via /r/chanceme

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