Wednesday, October 7, 2020

chapter 2

I like really can’t believe this. Me and my boyfriend Chandler were abducted, this sucks. Well, he is the one locked in a cage, I’m just keeping him company since he was detained by the cops. I’m just really bored. I mean, Chandler is passed out on the concrete floor, and I’m left with nothing but the dull walls of the police office. At least I get to sit in the rolly chair.I’m really dating a bad boy. I have to sigh. How can he sleep like a baby after all that we went through? I would be questioning his mental health, but he plays with snakes all day, my man is just built different. I know my friends would probably call him a weirdo, well if I had any, but again, I don’t care about the haters. They hate me, cause they ain’t me.“You’re good to go.” The officer told us once 6 am came around. The officer was a cool guy, with a round tummy.“Chandler, wake up.” I said, ready to leave this boring place. “I know that floor ain’t that comfortable…” I placed my hands on my hips impatiently.“Where am I?” Chandler rubbed his eyes, his hair shaped like a whole birds nest.“Where are you?” I questioned, coming closer to the metal bars.“In jail dude, wake your ass up.” I could not believe my eyes. How is he going to forget where he was, and what happened. I’m appalled, completely flabbergasted, but I stay strong, as I am unbreakable.I sweep my long brunette locks back that are luscious, and watch as my boyfriend is released from the cells that once held him. I give him a hug, and he returns the gesture, picking me up in his arms. His skinny body was cold as I tried to warm him with the fat on my arms, but I could tell that wasn’t going to do. “You’re so pale. So, so, so pale.” I looked up at him, touching my hand to his cheek. “You know what, I have an idea.”“What?” He asked as I started to drag him out of the room.“Let’s do another date. Today. We can just hang out and watch a movie.” I suggested, leading him from the doors.“Your car is at the towing place right now, we can just get it later. Do you want to come over to my house?” I asked.“How are we going to get there?” Chandler was lost, but he didn’t have to worry about that.“I’ll just call and uber.” I replied, using my big brain energy.“Okay, I still feel bad about what happened. We were supposed to have fun yesterday, but that was terrible. It's okay if you’re mad at me.” Chandler said, and it touched my heart. He was so sweet at times, even if he constantly smelled like an animal barn.“I’m not mad, Chandler. That was kinda fun.” I lied. I just didn’t know how to be honest right now. Everything about yesterday was ass but we aren’t gonna talk about it. Today is a new day and that is all I want to focus on. I hope my baby will leave what happened yesterday behind. I mean, lowkey embarrassing.We left the police station and headed to my place, which was a small apartment, very opposite of Chandler’s place. What can I say, we are just different from each other. But our souls understand each other.I prepared mostly everything while Chandler sat on the couch doing nothing but that's okay, I decided not to get annoyed today. He did mess up our last date, but I guess he did sit in a cell overnight so secretly we’re even. “Babe do you have popcorn?” He stood up from the couch as I went from my room to the living room. I held a handful of blankets and impulsively had the urge to release them onto Chandler so without replying, I yelled, “heavy blanket challenge!” and swung them over his head. He couldn’t take it and surprisingly fell backwards into my bookshelf, knocking down a lot of shit. He kept making a bigger mess. It looked like my room was jumping him.“Ow, babe what was that for?” He crawled out from the blankets, and I just knew his scrawny ass couldn’t take it.“I was just trying that new challenge.” I responded, coming around the couch and taking off some of the blankets.“I didn’t think you were going to go flying into my bookshelf. What the heck.”“Sorry..” He apologized, but I wasn’t even mad. I don’t know why he keeps saying sorry.“I’m sorry the blankets railed you into the next universe.” I left to go to the kitchen. “Here.” I set down the bowl of popcorn. “What movie do you want to watch?”“Anything you want.” He said, and I looked over at him to see a big lump on his cheek.I tried really really hard to hold in my laughter but that was a fail. “Chandler, don’t get pressed but did you get hit in the face with something?”“Several times actually. Why?” He asked, and I pursed my lips.“Bruh you got a whole mountain living on your cheek.”“That might have been from the fight.” He thought to himself, but I shook my head. That was not there a second ago.“Let’s watch something festive. Do you like scary movies?” I asked, since I LOVE them.“Um, I guess we can watch one.” He said uneasily, and it made me assume he didn’t like them.“What, are you scared?” I teased, going under the blankets with Chandler, my boyfriend.“Yeah.” He admitted, and I snuggled up close to him, resting my head on his shoulder.“It’s okay, I’m here with you.” I reassured him, and he gave me a big hug, wrapping his arms around me. His body still felt cold, so I snuck my hand in his pants hehe.“Babe, chill.” He said, smiling.. but I know he didn’t mean it.I got the movie to play as I also played with him. Now his swollen face became a rosy pink and I knew I succeeded. “See, now you’re nice and warm.” I smiled, and then focused on the movie.I then felt his hand inching on my thigh but I had to push it away for personal reasons. His obsession with me is showing and I don’t know how to feel. I get it, I’m not like every other human. A unicorn in Chandler’s eyes, but I must put up my boundaries, as I have already done too much too soon with him.“But babe didn’t you just initiate it first?” He asked me.“Shhh babe, the movie.” I had to change the subject before the room got even hotter.Chandler then got quiet and pulled the bowl of popcorn towards him, scarving down the whole 5 servings since he hadn’t eaten in a while. It makes sense, we probably should have eaten an actual meal now that I think about it.After the movie ended and Chandler fell asleep on my shoulder like the precious little baby he is, I woke him up so we could go and get his car.“Aren’t you hungry?” I asked, changing into some new clothes.“No. I ate all the popcorn.” He rubbed his stomach, and then stretched his arms out.“Well, maybe you will be later..” I grabbed my keys on the table. “Last one to the car is a rotten egg.”Chandler dashed off in his ripped t-shirt and bruised face.“Be careful, you’re going to hurt yourself..” I said, trying to act like I didn’t care about being a rotten egg, but I was stupid for thinking I wouldn’t. The competitive side of me emerged like a phoenix hatching from the Heavens as I leaped up and shoved Chandler to the side, knocking him into the other shelf I happened to have and sprinting out the door.“NOT FAIR!” I heard Chandler say from behind me, but I thought, life’s not fair.“I think after we get your car, you should go home and change first. Or fix this.” I waved my hands around him. I didn’t mean to look disgusted but the neighbors were glancing around and they like to gossip. I might sound like a hypocrite since I always preach about the haters but some days the haters win. You gotta let them sometimes.“You got it babe.” He said, and then hopped in the passenger seat.I drove while Chandler gave me directions to wherever the hell this car place was located and this place looked mad sus too. Luckily, we were not there for a long time and separately headed in the same direction to his house.“I’m ready!” He called, and came out dressed in the same looking outfit but only slightly different. The shirt was just green this time.“Okay let’s go eat.” I said, and I linked my arm in his.We ended up eating at a place he suggested, which he said served a really good steak. I actually don’t eat meat but I still came along. I ordered a salad, and Chandler looked at me weird. “What is that?” He interrogated me.“A salad..” I replied slowly.He sighed, “I know what it is, but like, why, is what I meant to ask.”“Chandler, I don’t eat meat.” I said, “but this salad is the bomb.”Chandler now appeared sad, and I set down my fork, knowing this conversation was going to have to happen sometime soon. I just didn’t know it would be now. “Babe, it’s okay if we don’t like the same foods. I support you either way.”“Support me? Do I have some sort of problem I’m unaware of?” He asked, and then huffed. “I love meat. I wish you did too.”"N-no babe, no problem..” I awkwardly had to laugh that one off. “But wipe your mouth, you got some sauce on it.” I said, offering him a napkin, but Chandler abruptly stood up.“Excuse me, I have to use the restroom.” He got up and left me. He really just left me.I didn’t know which part about what I said triggered him but I guess my mouth is a loose canon sometimes. I’ve been told. Or is the problem him? I’m confused, but also hungry, so I finished the rest of my meal before searching for him.First, I waited outside the men’s restroom for a good 10 minutes. He did not come out. So I left and walked outside, just to see him sitting on a rock right by the entrance. “What is this?” I had to say, surprised by what I was looking at.“I’m just thinking..” He said quietly, his gaze wandering around the parking lot.“Bruh I was waiting for you forever inside. You didn’t even tell me you were out here..”“I’m sorry, okay. I keep messing up. You probably didn’t even like your salad either.. I’m just starting to think this isn’t going to work out.” He stood up, and the look in his eyes scared me. I felt sad suddenly.“Chandler, baby, chill out. I know we are different but that doesn’t mean we don’t work. Yeah, our date was pretty terrible, but I still like being with you. Isn’t that all that matters?”He seemed lost in the moment, but his body moved towards me as he pulled me in for a hug. “Chandler..” I started crying, not wanting to lose him. He swung me in circles as I then giggled.“You’re right babe, let’s get out of here.” We walked to his car, and as we were pulling out of the parking lot we actually had to make a U-turn back to the restaurant.I can’t believe we forgot to pay aha…​*chapter 3 is coming soon - thank you so much for the likes on chapter 1 guys!!* via /r/ChandlersWildLife

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