Sunday, October 11, 2020

[HERO IDEA] Raphael The Paladin

Q - SacrificeUpon activation, sacrifice a portion of Raphael's maximum health granting his next attack bonus physical damage base on the health you sacrificed. If the target dies with the attack, cooldown is reset and refunds the health cost. Can only reduced health to 1 HP.Level 1 - Sacrifice 5% of maximum HP.Level 2 - Sacrifice 10% of maximum HP.Level 3 - Sacrifice 15% of maximum HP.Level 4 - Sacrifice 20% of maximum HP.Can be upgraded with Aghanim's Scepter changing the damage type to pure and refunds 50% of the health cost if the attack does not kill the target.​Manacost: 0Cooldown: 15 seconds​W - Leap of FaithTarget an area to jump towards it. After 1 second, Raphael lands on the target area dealing damage to and applies 35% slow to enemies within 300 radius of the area.Level 1 - Deals 75 magic damage. Slow lasts 2 seconds.Level 2 - Deals 125 magic damage. Slow lasts 3 seconds.Level 3 - Deals 175 magic damage. Slow lasts 4 seconds.Level 4 - Deals 225 magic damage. Slow lasts 5 seconds.​Manacost: 75/100/125/150Cooldown: 10 secondsCast Range: 400/500/600/700​E - Holy BlessingsPassively increases the bonus health provided by items.Level 1 - Bonus health from items increased by 10%.Level 2 - Bonus health from items increased by 15%.Level 3 - Bonus health from items increased by 20%.Level 4 - Bonus health from items increased by 25%.Note: Only works with items that provide direct HP bonus so bonus health from bonus strength will not be applied.​R - MiracleUpon receiving a lethal damage, passively restore a % Raphael's maximum health, grants damage reduction and the one who dealt the killing blow will receive damage base on the level of Sacrifice.Level 1 - Restores 25% maximum HP and grants 30% damage reduction for 5 seconds.Level 2 - Restores 35% maximum HP and grants 40% damage reduction for 5 seconds.Level 3 - Restores 45% maximum HP and grants 50% damage reduction for 5 seconds.​Manacost: 200/250/300Cooldown: 100 seconds via /r/DotaConcepts

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