Monday, October 19, 2020

I feel like my location stops me from moving on and being happy

I know this isn't a very big deal, and it's not a very urgent problem for me, but it's just something that i've noticed recently and wanted to get help/advice with.So recently I went on a trip for a few days with my family, and I felt much better than I have felt in a long time. It was really refreshing and I actually felt pretty happy at some points, much different than how I usually feel when I'm at home.I couldn't figure out exactly why at first, but I kept thinking about it, and it was because all of the memories and stress that come with being at home were gone. Items and things in my area that remind me of my past or made me nostalgic weren't there, I mostly didn't have to experience things that I am accustomed to, I talked to some new people that I didn't have any history with, etc.But as soon as I got back home, everything came back and I started feeling like shit. Memories that I hadn't thought about in a while came right back, and I saw all the things in my house/my area that remind me of my past. I guess I hadn't realized it before, but feeling nostalgia just makes me really depressed and puts me down in general. It also makes it much more difficult to try new things or get out of my comfort zone.Now, I generally feel like I get out enough and engage in a good amount of activities, but nothing seems to lessen this feeling or make it better (at least significantly). At the end of the day, it always comes back and I'll do anything just so I'm not alone with my thoughts.In a way, this makes me feel safe because I've gotten used to it, but I know that's not healthy and will not benefit my mental health in the long run.If anyone has any advice or suggestions that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to this subreddit as well for giving me a place to talk about it. via /r/mentalhealth

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