Monday, October 19, 2020

I got approved of medicaid, am I sure I was supoose to even get medicaid ?

Last week, I posted here saying that I needed to find health insurance because my dad isnruance is getting expensive and he told me to find my own. I applied for medicaid, they called me too the next day and asked about work history and etc.. Few days later until today, I checked and got approved..My other 2 brothers who don't work or work very little got approved instantly while I was approved after verifying many things.. However I usually make around 25-35k range in from 2018 and this year too im probably going to hit that range at then end of the year too.. could they have approved me on accident, reason why is cuz some people told me I wouldn't be approved while saying I get 480 a week thru U.E.. just wanted to make sure if its even right via /r/HealthInsurance

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