Friday, October 9, 2020

I'm at a loss, what do I do? Serious advice/recommendation needed! (Explicit language)

US. I (34f, not living with, but visiting daily during the week) need some advice to help my mom. My dad has been very forgetful, he's happy one minute, pissed the next. He has days where he's awesome and aware and the story teller I remember from when I was a kid. Then there are days when he thinks my mom has run off to be with "that guy" (no idea 🤷) again. My kids and I always go over after they get out of school, help with dinner, and go home, usually spending 3 or 4 hours per day. My mom used to work in nursing homes and has done a ton of home health jobs, and she's positive he's got dementia/ altzheimers.Examples;He has a heart problem and should NOT be walking more than two miles per day. He walked to my Uncle's house 7 times in the past 4 months, which is nearly twenty miles one way. On three of those occasions, he passed out walking home. Doesn't remember any of it. He says he walks because SHE (my mom) doesn't answer him when he asks her to take him. He has never asked. I feel like this would be a good time to mention that he doesn't drive anymore because he went out and couldn't get home by himself, it took over a year to get my mom to admit it's not normal.He regularly confuses my son for my brother, who has been dead twenty years this July.He regularly calls my daughter by my name.He will be telling a story, get partially through and get angry because whoever he was talking to is telling the story wrong. Yes, you read that right.He took off and was gone (this happens often, he walks) for several hours. When he came back he was really tired, but he told my best friend (who lives there to help out) that the third house he walked into, the guy told him to get the eff out of his house or he was calling the police. Apparently he was looking for one of the cats.Another time he told us that he had been up to the local high school watching the track meet. And that he thought it was (my brother's) track and field day, but he just couldn't find him anywhere. Again, July my brother has been dead twenty years.He really treats my mom like she's literal garbage most of the time. He does it to me too, but if I'm not there, she gets it worse. It's not physical that I've ever seen. I don't really know that she would tell me if he did get physical.The problem is, when mom tries to talk to the doctor in front of dad, he gets pissed. Says he's fine, just a little forgetful. He gets mad about a lot of things, really.Anyway, I'm at a loss for what to do to help my mom. I'm hoping that someone else has some helpful information about what to do next. My mom does not want to put him in a nursing home, so please don't jump to that. via /r/dementia

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