Thursday, October 15, 2020

Interesting new mods in October's spotlight

I don't know the English name of them, but here they are:First there's a Ghost mod in Mission 1. Enemy becomes invisible to all basic attacks from time to time. I'm not sure what qualifies as "basic attack", but at least all normals, heavy and sp1/sp2 are missing (passing through their body) without any damage. Maybe Bonecrusher's DoT, Rhinox' shield explosion can apply. I didn't even tested sp3s.In mission 3 there's a mod which requires you to use ranged critical to do the killing blow, otherwise the enemy keeps resurrecting at 1% health.Better bring some ranged bots for this, and ranged normal/heavy/specials can all do the trick.Enemy likes to use heavy very often, gives you a lot of chance to land ranged normal in time (except for Windblade, because her heavy passes through).The problem is that the Demotron boss is also equipped with Absorb Range, which eliminates the possibility to kill him with ranged normal. Again, use Megatronus or Ironhide, use heavy only, and be patient. Alternatively, you can use Cheetor to dash through his heavy, block his regening sig, bring him down to 1% health, give in and use ranged bots to finish the job.There's a tough Bonecrusher on the way, funny I brought Cracker for fear of his bleeding. When I try to land the killing shot I realized Crack can never proc critical. I quit, LOL.Good luck guys. via /r/TransformersF2F

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