Sunday, October 11, 2020

Is ignoring someone/silent treatment childish?

Basically, I'm horrendous at communicating (in person, but text is fine because I can think about what to say) and also have severe emotion regulation issues, so when I feel an intense emotion I need to isolate myself to understand and process it, and if someone speaks to me during this time I get extremely pissed off.I told my housemate (who is/was one of my closest friends) this and that sometimes I'll walk around the house with earphones in and ignore everything or I'll just stay in my room. I know it's not a good coping mechanism, but I can't afford any kind of therapy. My housemate told me he understood and would give me space if I need it, but he has done absolutely nothing to show me this. If I'm quiet, he'd confront me and ask what he did wrong, and ask why I'm being such a shit friend.It aggravates me that much that I completely ignore him because I know if I know I'll end up saying something I don't mean out of anger. He's moving out in a few days so I'm considering just completely ignoring him until he's gone, because I don't want anything to do with him after he leaves.I know all this might make me seem like a shit friend, but he's well aware of my emotional instability and I think he's trying to gaslight me into doubting my own reality. He tells me my perception of every situation is a paranoid delusion and blames me for his mental health issues.What is the right thing to do in this situation? Please help it's driving me insane via /r/Advice

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