Thursday, October 8, 2020

Making appointments through Zoc Doc

I got slack from my mid level friends for questioning the system so I’m turning to you all, I genuinely want to know!My infant had an oozing skin thing going on the top of his head and after the pediatrician tried a couple things, she advised me to see a Dermatologist. They gave me in-network options so while at work, I went on Zoc Doc to make my appointment. Every time I clicked a time I would get a warning message that read something like “this appointment you may not see a doctor but another qualified individual for your care supervised by a doctor.” I had a feeling that meant I would be seen by a mid level. I wanted the doctor because I wanted the best eyes on my son and every time I chose the same message would appear.When I called the practice directly, the receptionist again tried to put me with a mid level. I said no, I want to see a Dermatologist MD. She actually made me feel bad for asking saying that “they are in the same practice and supervised.” I finally did get an appointment with the doctor but what’s with all this pushing to see a mid level? I’m thinking I should have just gone to a hospital practice instead of a private practice.No offense to them, I believe they have a place somewhere, and maybe I’m wrong here so downvote me, but I didn’t feel comfortable seeing a mid level in one of the”ROAD” specialities and also, yeah, it’s my son. In my eyes, if Dermatology is such a prestigious speciality to get into, then I want to see a doctor.I got a lot of heat from mid level friends when I was venting saying every place I called kept trying to put me with a mid level. I said the difference was that the MD did 4 years of med school, put in extra time in med school to be the best to get into dermatology, and then did years of residency. I wanted that knowledge and years looking at my son.Edit: My question! Why do they make it hard to book with a MD? Or is this just with certain specialities? This has happened to me with specialities...I should also disclose I’m an ICU RN. I have mad respect for all my residents and all you. Reading this subreddit, I’m sorry the experiences you have had with the public and other health care professionals. I promise we all aren’t bad! I see you and I respect your dedication! via /r/Residency

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