Sunday, October 18, 2020

New viewer who needs some help!

Hi everyone! I just finished season 1 of the X-Files and I liked it so much! Can’t wait to keep going, but before I do...I was catching up on the latest season of Supernatural (which is a similar show you guys might enjoy) and there was one episode with some footage that came without warning and was very triggering for me. I don’t want to go into detail but it involves self-harm/someone graphically taking their own life (due to mental health, not self sacrifice for the good of the world) and as someone who is grieving from an incident related to this topic, I had a very strong panic attack (shaking, etc)I would appreciate it if you guys could let me know about any episodes of the X-Files with suicide scenes/storylines so I can avoid them and keep moving forward. Thanks! So excited to keep going with this series. via /r/XFiles

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