Sunday, October 18, 2020

Should I give my ex a second chance?

I met him years ago when we both weren’t ready for a relationship, we both had just left long term relationships so we became friends with benefits until I realized that I wanted more with him. He basically ghosted me and we both moved on for a while. I dated a couple guys and he did his thing. We then made up 2 years later. We slowly dated and got into a relationship then he left me for someone else.I don’t want to justify his actions but I realize that I was no angel. I was suffering with bad mental health issues and it caused strain in our relationship. I pushed him away, caused fights and didn’t treat him like I should’ve. I don’t want to say I drove him to cheat but I did play a role in it.I had a hard time moving on but he moved in with her. They broke up about a year ago and he is now back trying to make amends and for another chance. He seems apologetic. He apologized and said he was selfish. He said that since I was his first girlfriend since his long term relationship, he didn’t know what he wanted but now he wants another chance if I allow him to make it up.What should I do? I almost want to give it a try again but I’m scared to get burned. I’m 26 years old and I don’t want this to be all for nothing. via /r/relationship_advice

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