Saturday, October 17, 2020

Thoughts from a new player

I see lots of old players no longer like the game and prefer to spend time complaining on reddit. As a relatively new player, I’m having a blast. In fact, at age 32, this is the first game I’ve been addicted to since discovering Civ V.I’m a single player player in all games, I abhor interacting with other players on any level, whether co-op or competitive do take this as very much YMMV.This game is very deep and that’s the core reason it is so satisfying to me. Games lose their shine to me once I’ve figured out the mechanics and optimal strategies and it becomes just a grind fest to complete all the content, get the highest level or acquire the best gear. With POE 100 hours in over a month, and I feel like a total beginner, not understanding at least half the mechanics.I play SSF and have a level 85 spark inquisitor and a few level 30-60 alts to try out different play styles with the fun leveling gear I’ve found. There are few games that have this level of complexity where it takes so much deep understanding to be playing with ultimate efficiency. I love figuring out new things so that I can enhance my play style and progress to higher levels of play. The skill cap is among the highest I’ve seen for a single player game, and I just want to thank GGG for making this incredibly awesome game.I expect to play SSF long term in standard until I eventually reach that ultimate understanding which I expect to be a very long time from now. Playing SSF has lots of advantages. I only compete with myself. I don’t like running heists because it’s slow and boring without much complexity to figure out the best strats, so I simply don’t do it, and I’m not really missing out. If I were a competitive trade league player, I’d always have to be doing the most efficient chaos/hour activity or else I’d be losing my edge. I also would have to play every waking moment and shit in a can and sacrifice my health or else someone else out there would be beating me. But with SSF I just play when I want, have a balanaced life, only ply content that is interesting to me, and have this ultimate joy of discovery and deep strategizing that few titles have given me. via /r/pathofexile

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