Friday, October 16, 2020

What can I do about how badly the environment is for my family’s dogs? Any advice will be welcome. Seriously, I’ll read every comment...

I’m a 20f btwTLDR: My mom surprised us with a puppy with no preparation and then her bf moved in with our dog’s sister from the same litter a month later. Now, no one in the house believes in training but me and it’s hard to train two badly behaving dogs on my own when other members revert to yelling or swinging at them. And I can’t afford the expensive classes by myself as a college student out of work either and my mom can’t or won’t pay for them.Now for the long version to give context and hopefully explain myself so it doesn’t look like I’m condoning bad behavior (on the human end). I don’t swing at them. Ever. I’ve pushed them off of me when they bit me before but NEVER have I ever hit them. Clearing that up right now. I’d never hit a dog. The other adult members of the household will in their words “tap” the dogs if they jump up and scratch in the process or bite. I’ve tried to say that it doesn’t help every time something happens but they shrug it off as “no they’re just stubborn”. But luckily that’s rare and the dogs have never been hurt except one time when the two dogs fought and one of them was pulled by their leash. It seemed like it really hurt her I felt so bad. That night I snuck behind my moms back and let her sleep with me bc I felt so bad. I gave her extra treats🥺Next thing, I’ve brought up the fact that they’re poorly behaving because no one other than me attempts to train them and I started late because I didn’t know how to train them. I would’ve researched that before adopting a dog. But, my mom surprised us with Kilo when she was a little pup at the beginning of quarantine. She hasn’t even bought a collar, dog food, a dog bowl, or ANYTHING yet. Immediately, I took to trying my best with what I already knew to train her and, when my moms bf moved in, Biscuit as well. I taught both of them their names, come, sit, and leave it. But I found that because I was taught the wrong way to train them they only listened to me when I had treats in my hand. And slowly, they stopped listening to me when that happened too. They’d just instinctually sit when they saw I had food and didn’t listen to other commands.I also started walking them together early in the morning before I workout because they started fighting really bad (like blood was drawn) and I helped them stop fighting again. But I’m at a plateau. They won’t stop jumping up, the won’t come on command unless they see me with treats, they get aggressive toward other dogs, they pull with their leashes (I’m planning on working on that specifically starting tomorrow), they bite when they get super excited, and they chew EVERYTHING. They destroyed the bottom of their crate they sleep in and started tearing up the cheap tile from the floor too. I’m of course continuing to try my best with new techniques I’m learning online but everything if for puppies who aren’t as bad as my adolescent dogs. Any new advice or resources would be seriously appreciated.I’m dealing with mental health issues that affect my day to day, full time school schedule, working out to help with my insomnia and fatigue (I know it doesn’t make sense, hence my frustration), and trying to combat a 2 year bout of disordered eating all at once plus these two dogs. I love them so much I won’t give up on them but I’m starting to lose hope that I’m enough to even help them...p.s. forgot to add, I’m moving out soon. Like less than a year so I want to help them before I move out because I won’t be able to take them with me as that’ll break my younger siblings hearts via /r/Advice

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