Sunday, October 18, 2020

What is the relationship between graves disease and anxiety and mental/emotional health?

My t3 is at 4.9 which is only slightly elevated with everything else normal but my anxiety and internal sense of pressure is high. What is the correlation? I came off medication in my early 20's because I thought I was in remission. I have had anxiety my whole life and have never thought about it as a symptom of graves because I have had it since I was 2 years old. I'm trying to isolate some mental health issues and the common complaints about this disease as I scroll this sub reddit match how my last 20 years have felt (time off medication). BUT when I have periodically had my levels checked every few years my levels have only every been "a little" elevated. I had an endo that I had sever a life long relationship with because it got weird. I dont have health insurance to go "exploring" for the right relationship so I want to do as much foot work as I can. via /r/gravesdisease

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