Saturday, October 17, 2020

A ex-friend of 5 years is in a bad spot in life and I'm not sure if I should reach out.

A friend of 5 years broke apart after a buildup of drama in the group with them at the center of most of it about 4 months ago, on top of using me for their personal gain (emotionally). I realized that they were toxic and removed her from my life.​While, It was in a attempt to gain some self confidence and stop getting stepped all over I decided to cut ties. Its in my nature to help others and after seeing some social media post I fear that they may be nearing the end of their road soon.​Should I make an attempt to reach out, is it selfish to not? should I worry for my own mental health? I'm stressing out over it even if it was a toxic relationship towards the end there was good times. I was in a terrible spot before being toyed with and now I cant tell if its like a Stockholm syndrome or I just cant move on.​TLDR: Good friendship turned abusive, I broke it up. Now they are in a bad spot in life after losing the friend group I'm in and have directly referenced this. Do I reach out? via /r/Advice

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