Saturday, October 17, 2020

[ADVICE] Divided between pursuing an MPH in Biostatistics/Epidemiology or a masters in Health informatics

Hi, I'm an international medical graduate(MBBS) and a programmer (Self taught). I have both the clinical and programming background with an affinity and liking for tech and coding, which drove me to want to pursue health informatics since it aligns with my background merging the two.After searching the sub and job market for health informatics, first i found it's hard to get jobs in the field without experience and I'd imagine it will be harder for an international student coming out of a masters.Second, health informatics job market seems more limited to EHR Analysis/maintenance or nursing informatics than actual building of software, and participating in intriguing projects which I'm interested in doing, and maybe bridge to full software/mobile development in the future.Finally as an international student i can't afford to stay without a job after finishing degree, that's why MPH in epi or biostat seems more of a safe bet - abundance of job opportunities - than health informatics.What would you advice to pursue in my case?Thank yoy very much! via /r/publichealth

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