Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Anxiety or Neurogenic Disorder?

Age: 23Height: 5’,7”Weight: 189Race: African AmericanSymptom(s) Duration: 3 weeks - 1 monthSometime mid-September I caught some viral infection. Needless to say I was scared out of my wits - especially during this time. I stopped smoking (marijuana, no tobacco) so that my lungs wouldn’t be irritated in any other way. Subsequently, I went to get tested for COVID and the two tests I took within a 14 day period came back negative.Shortly after, I began to experience strange sensations throughout my body: numbness, tingling, weakness in my limbs and extremities, shortness of breath, and intermittent headaches. The symptoms had steadily decreased over the course of another week and then I began to experience a strange tightness in my right hand when trying to force it open. This is when I started to feel a light and widespread myalgia.I kept trying to look for these symptoms online to see if anyone had experienced things similar and GAD kept following - along with PS, ALS, and MS. I started to become a lot more anxious about my health and hyperaware of the sensations in my body admittedly. Now, I have unexplained spasms from time to time and whenever I move or exert myself in any way I feel my muscles burning and they are quicker to tire. The feeling is like lactic acid from when I used to work out. Mentally, I don’t feel like I can find the right words as quickly as I used to. I’ve developed this occasional stutter. And now I’m afraid I have a neurological disorder or brain tumor.Would anyone be willing to give me a slight bit of clarification? via /r/AskDocs

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