Saturday, October 17, 2020

Eased restrictions for regional Vic from tonight

Looks like easing will occur from tonight for regional Vicroria: like that 'Visitors to the home' item means we can visit friends again (single house bubble is gone?).REGIONAL VICTORIA From 11:59pm, Sunday, 18 OctoberVisitors to the home: maximum of two people plus dependentsOutdoor gatherings would be allowed with up to 10 people from two households.Hospitality venues: increased capacity to 70 people outside and 40 people inside (subject to conditions)Indoor pools: open for 18 and under maximum of 20 swimmers and one on one hydrotherapy with health professionalOutdoor religious gatherings: increase to 20 peopleLibraries/toy libraries: maximum of 20 peopleHouseholds can visit care facilities (rather than one person at as time) via /r/Geelong

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