Saturday, October 17, 2020

Fluctuating Heart Rate, SpO2, & Blood Pressure. Dysautonomia?

This past year, I was diagnosed with POTS, unsurprisingly I regularly experience episodes of super ventricular and tachycardia and like many others in this subreddit I also experience really low blood pressure. (Averaging around 90/60). However I also experience episodes of extreme bradycardia (I’ve dropped down to 27bpm while awake, though I felt awful), low SpO2(85-94%), and on occasion extremely high blood pressure (215/125).Thankfully, these issues tend to resolve themselves eventually (within minutes to hours)and medical intervention has rarely been needed. I don’t smoke, drink, do drugs, or even partake in caffeine- so I’m not sure what could be triggering these episodes. Due to multiple chemical sensitivities, I’m unable to tolerate many medications and so I’m unmediated currently. Is this normal for dysautonomia, and if not what could be a possible explanation?For reference: I have tried multiple pulse oximeters, as well as blood pressure cuffs to help me gather data on my health. I do everything to make sure these reading a are as accurate as possible. (Oximeter: warm hands, at heart level, held flat on some surface to prevent false readings, checking on multiple fingers. Blood pressure cuffs: Sitting, feet flat in the ground, no talking, etc., etc.) All my ‘extreme readings’ have been consistent across multiple devices. via /r/dysautonomia

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