Thursday, October 15, 2020

Entilted girlfriend ruins my friend's love life and turns our own best friend against us.

Well, it's been some time since I've been here. I wanted to post update about my previous story of this entilted girlfriend, but my mind was so occupied with other things I completely forgot. Well, at least I have a lot of things to update you guys. :DHere is the first part of this complete situation that is going over months. Have fun.Just quick summary of the first part. Two years ago I and my best friend met with a cool guy in our classroom. He was a nice person, cool, helpful, funny etc. We became good friends with him, even best friends. That all fell apart when he met a 5 years younger girl and decided he wanted to be her boyfriend. Oh boy, was she entilted, and not only that, but her mindset was not even of 17 years old girl, but more like, 13 years old. She was threating him, causing a lot of problems which eventually got to his mental health.Now this part will be about how she completely changed him and how she ruined relationship my best friend had.Entilted girl=Vlasta; Normal girl=Monika; Best friend=Andrew; Bad friend=Vojtech; Me=Me (Names are changed)About 4 months ago, when problems with Vlasta started to show up more and more often Andrew met with a quite beautiful woman, Monika. She was 17 as well, but my friend was 20 so there was not as big age difference as between Vlasta and Vojtěch. They met thanks to Vojtěch and Vlasta that both suggested if Andrew will be with Monika, she won't feel hate towards him anymore (I don't know why she hated us in the first place and will probably never know). Things went actually good. Andrew liked her, and Monika liked him, and soon Monika wanted to get into official relationship, which Andrew did not wanted yet, as he though he will need more time. Oh boy was that the best choice he made. Soon the problems began as well. As Monika was best friend of Vlasta, they were together quite a lot of times. Whenever Andrew wanted to go on a date, he wanted to go just with her alone, while Monika argued she still wanted to go on a date with him, but with Vlasta and Vojtech as well. Those were just petty argues compared to other things.Soon me And Andrew were noticing how Monika is becoming more and more entilted and not trusting. Whenever Andrer was outside, she fit a tantrum about him being outside when it is so dangerous. Whenever he was riding into another town, he was accused of going to another girlfriend. We though that Monika is just as entilted as her best friend, but about 2 months ago, we learned the truth why is she like that. Apparently, she have been always putting lies into her hears, always saying that Andrew is going to visit another girls and such and how he doesn't care about her at all. I would say I am surprised, but honestly, considering about everything that has happened to this point, I wasn't, and nor was my friend. They once again argued, going on and on about how Andrew is the liar while he tries to convince Monika that her best friend is lying to her. Ultimately, he said that even if he was visiting other girls, she shouldn't mind it because they were not in the relationship anyway and just hung up on her. From that day they never actually spoke. I don't blame Monika for this behaviour. She just trusted her friend, but I definitely blame Vlasta who just used her best friend to control Andrew so she could have Vojtech all for herself.Oh but it does not end there at all. 1 month ago, things went to hell real fast with Vojtech. We started a game project in March with several other people, me and Vojtech included with Andrew as the leader. While other were putting all their effort into it, we soon noticed that Vojtech is not doing a work he is suppose to do. He oftenly skip it when he promised he would be there, he wouldn't answer for days, heck he even started to blame other for his work not being done, always accusing others that because they did not finished their work, he couldn't work (A complete bullshit).Andrew and I started to be really annoyed. He was suppose to take care of the marketing. It was not anything big, but still, it was a job he had to do. So we both started to snooping around and demanding answers from him.We learned that he couldn't work because he was with Vlasta! She was taking all his precious time whenever he was with her, he couldn't write when she was near him because she ordered him to. This really got us. A grown male that is being commanded by a child that has a mindset of even younger child. While snooping around, Andrew learned that Vojtech was a main reason Monika was so angry and always against him! Since Vojtech is visiting Vlasta, he was forced to always delete his chats with us, because we simply couldn't trust that Vlasta won't get into his mobile. Well, she did not only get into his mobile, he willingly gave it to her! He was also having all of his passwords written on the note there, so she easily got into his facebook. She was there for at least 2 months, and all this time he was saying she couldn't be there. Now Andrew likes to joke a lot, so he was writing Vojtech about how he will go visit sluts and so on, and when Vlasta saw it trough his facebook, she instantly sent it to Monika. So Vojtech was the reason for Monika to act like she acted. When we confronted him with this, he tried to defend himself, but we had too many evidences and we simply couldn't trust him.​He completely changed. It was like a 180 degree turn in his behaviour, from a cool and awesome middle-schooler to a complete asshole that lies and is even aggresive. He started to lying about everything he could. Whenever we confronted him with a problem or were "mean" to him, he immediately went into "I am hurt, but don't care about me then" mode. When he saw me and Andrew were not moved by this behaviour and didn't forgive him, he started to be aggresive. I was speechless about this, but I was also amazed by Vlasta, how she could just turn a completely normal guy into an obedient dog and completely change his good personality to worst! Needless to say, he got what he deserves.The entire project did not wanted him anymore, so he was kicked out, never to return. He put quite a sum of money in it as well as an investment, but it is his loss. We cut ties with him, we are no longer friends, just classmates until the end of the year, then I hope we won't hear about him ever again. Looking back at it, I cannot feel anything else than sadness. Yes, he got what he deserves, he has no friends, he lost quite a lot of money and is with a girl that just made him into an obedient dog and asshole and will probably break up with him in the near future as well. It is his fault, but I still feel quite bad because he was my friend a year ago. Typing this made me remember all the good times we have been trough, and now we will never do them again. I blame Vojtech for allowing this to get to this very point, but I mostly blame Vlasta for what she has done. Seriously, if I will ever meet her, I will just punch her. I know hitting girls isn't very gentleman, but she is not girl for me, she is a b*tch!​Well, that is the end of this saga. Man it feels good to get it off my chest finally. And while this story ends, I do have more to share. Have a good day everyone! :) via /r/redditoryt

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