Thursday, October 15, 2020

GM4F - Maze of Endless Horrors (Bad Ends)

A lone adventurer stumbles across a strange cave entrance as she travels through deserted lands. Curious, she enters and follows the path, and the rough stone of the cavern slowly fades to a floor which is smooth and carved. Suddenly something lights up from the stone brick floor underneath her feet. It's a strange rune, glowing brighter and brighter, and as it reaches its greatest blinding luminance, she hears the sound of stone scraping on stone and then a huge crash behind her. Turning around, she sees that the way back is blocked by an impenetrable wall of rock, meanwhile the glow beneath her feet fades.With no way to go but forward, she advances through the passage, until she reaches an intersection. She picks one way, then another as the hallways have become a maze. She passes through danger in every room, finding treasures, but not a way out. Eventually, the lurking perils catch her, and she is slain, but after her death she feels her spirit leave her body, flying back through the maze to the very start, where she finds herself standing back in her body unharmed. The rune on the floor is glowing once again but fading now, as she is forced back into the maze once again.She tries new directions, finding different horrors, new treasures, but never a way out. Eventually she tries her first path again, seeing if she might make it beyond where she fell that original time, and there she sees the ultimate horror of the maze. Another version of her body lays there, just where it was slain, and the memory of her death flashes through her mind once again. But continuing down this path, she meets her end once more, and she begins to despair. Is there an end to this maze, is there a way out? Or is it just a maze of endless horrors?Welcome to the maze, adventurer. Many horrors await you, but the maze is different every time, and it reshapes itself to best fit each new entrant. To that end, before you enter, we can discuss what you like, and what you don't like. Some things are somewhat necessary, but their nature can be discussed. So when you message me, tell me your thoughts about what you like and don't like about each of these categories: the bad ends, the foes, and other kinks.Bad Ends:Snuff - This one is mostly unavoidable. That said, it isn't the only way to meet a bad end, and there are different ways to play it. It can be played in a manner more reminiscent of video games, less realistic about the violence, or we can keep it realistic. And then there are different methods of being killed: being slain with weapons, beheading, petrification, drowning, burning, poison, being crushed, etcCapture - There are intelligent enemies in the maze, and some may look to capture you alive. If you are captured like this, don't worry, you will still return to the beginning of the maze to start again. However, a different version of you will still be left captured, so if you go that way again, be prepared for the look of betrayal on your own face for leaving your double to be a slave forever.Permanent Bondage/Encasement - Not all challenges you face will be living enemies, the maze itself is also out to get you. You may be trapped or bound in a part of the maze, and should you be unable to escape, you will be returned to the start, while the other version of you becomes a permanent, living (or not), part of the maze.Foes:The maze is populated with many obstacles, many living foes for you to contend with. First of all, any monster that isn't an intelligent creature will not have any sexual element when you encounter it. You may be met with a giant scorpion, but all it will do to you is cut you in half with its claw or sting you with its tail and kill you with its venom. But whether other types of enemies might want to do sexual things with you is variable. So tell me generally what you're up for, or you can go through a (hopefully close to comprehensive) list of mine, and tell me what you like and don't like: other humanoid races (orcs, goblins), partially animalistic/partially human creatures (centaurs, minotaurs), monstrous humanoids (medusa, mind flayers), plant creatures (dryads, vine monsters), constructs (robot-like enemies, sentient machines)Other Kinks:If you are defeated, your enemies may want to have some fun with you, and they might want to do specific kinky things to you, some of which might be extreme. Let me know your kinks and limits, and/or tell me what you like and don't like from this list: amputation, dolcett, breeding, tentacles, mind break, body modification, pain, bondage, forced orgasms, orgasm denialMechanics:I would like to add a little bit of mechanics to this RP to make it just a bit like a game, but only a very small amount. What I've come up with this is: You will start each run with 3 health points. If you get hurt, you will lose one or more of those health points, and when you reach 0, you will be killed or knocked out. There may be ways to regain health points, but they will be rare. The second and final parts of the mechanics is that when you attempt to do something risky, I will tell you to roll a d20. Just roll the dice, no need to add anything. In the interest of fairness, when I tell you to roll, I will also tell you a set of ranges, for example "1-5, 6-10, 11-20", but I won't tell you what each means. Beyond that, you can do whatever you want. There will be no hard and fast rules about what you can and can't do, but I reserve the right to say no, or to make you roll if something might be risky.Message Me:I ask for just a few things in your message: First, make the title of your message the name you will use for your adventurer. Then in the body of your message, tell me a little more about who you'll be playing as, though you don't need to have everything figured out. Additionally, tell me your thoughts and preferences in the three variable areas I laid out: bad ends, foes, and other kinks. And then finally, feel free to add anything else you want to tell me or ask me.Good luck, and welcome to the Maze of Endless Horrors via /r/dirtypenpals

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