Friday, October 16, 2020

Give birth in the US or UK?

My husband and I just found out we are expecting! I’m American and he’s British and we live in the US. We had been talking about moving to the UK before we found out and he has been casually looking for jobs.I think it’d probably be better to have a baby in the UK because of the cost but he’s worried it will be too difficult to sort out in the next few months.We don’t have the same insurance and I was recently laid off. So I am really nervous at the thought of how much it will cost here. My insurance is already very expensive just for regular visits.If I was approved for a spouse visa, I would just need to pay the health insurance surcharge (about $260 a year for three years) and then I would be eligible for coverage through the NHS. But I won’t get a visa unless he has a job lined up.He would likely end up taking a pay cut there since his job pays more here than there. And I probably wouldn’t find a job being 5+ mos by the time we get there. But I think it will be more cost effective overall.I’m not really sure where to go for advice because we are too early to start telling people! Has anyone had this choice before? via /r/pregnant

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