Friday, October 16, 2020

Ontario should go back to phase 1, so we can get back to stage 3 faster

Recently the province announced a return to stage 2 for 4 health units (Ottawa, Toronto, Peel, York) and many more are on the horizon. Officially these are 28 days, but without serious restrictions in place the transmission rate will be above 1 and cases will continue to rise. In other words, many of our stage 3 businesses will stay closed until there’s a vaccine. That’s potentially more than a year of no indoor dining, gyms, or anything else.However, we saw in the Spring that a full lockdown can stabilize our case numbers in 2-3 months and then give us at least the same amount of time of normalcy. Maybe even get our cases lower (like 20 or 30) so we have an even longer breather.I for one would hate to not be able to go grab a beer inside for a year, but that’s the direction our province is heading without stricter measures.TL;DR: Harsh lockdown for a few months, maybe until January, and then we could easily get a few months of somewhat normalcy like we did in the summer. via /r/CanadaCoronavirus

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