Saturday, October 17, 2020

Had an ovarian cyst that ruptured and SO insists I do continue like normal.

Just needed to vent. Earlier this week I had an ovarian cyst that ruptured. My husband was out of town at the time. I was in complete agony and my best friend took me to the hospital. I was treated there and was told I could rest at home. The doctor said that with some rest the pain would go away and I'd be fine.So I get out of the hospital and my husband comes home. There's no "you should rest" or "are you doing ok?" It was immediately "we need to do this" and "we need to do that" aka "YOU need to being that." He never gave me a chance to even slightly recover. I can barely move around and get dizzy whenever I stand for more than two minutes, yet I'm the one that apparently needs to clean, run errands, do projects, etc. He rarely even offers to help. I've tried to tell him that I need to rest but it turns into a big argument every time that he does do stuff but I don't appreciate it. It's just not even worth bringing it up.Just needed to get this off my chest. I'm beyond frustrated. He's like this any time I have a medical issue whether it be an injury, surgery, or random medical issue and it's infuriating. But when he has the slightest health issue it's the end of the world. via /r/JustNoSO

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