Monday, October 12, 2020

I don’t feel like a human anymore I feel like a robot.

Nothing excites me anymore food, sex, hobbies, Tv nothing. Ontop of dealing with psychological problems I also deal with chronic physical pain problems. I don’t even feel happy sad angry I just feel numb like someone strip away my emotions. I’m more quiet than ever and my parents probably worry if I’m okay I tell them I am when I’m not. When I look at my self in the mirror I don’t even see myself anymore i see a soulless robot operating in a human body mimicking a human. The last time I felt like the real me a humanwas when I was a kid happy joyful. I’m always in my head reminiscing about the good old days when there where no worries and I was at peace with the world no suffering just happiness now I don’t even feel like a human being and the worst thing is I feel like I lost what it’s like the love. I think the only emotion I feel anymore is sadness but mostly numb I wonder what kind of person I’d be if I wasn’t in this state. I just don’t want people the suffer the way I suffered I want people to live life to the fullest happy and not what I’m going thru that’s why I hide what I feel and just keep it between myself and you guys. My goal is to help people in life with health that’s why I want to go into the medical field but I have no motivation anymore I’ll keep pushing that’s probably the last thing On earth that will make me feel happy is seeing other people feel happy. If I can’t ever feel happiness anymore myself. via /r/depression

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