Monday, October 12, 2020

I met a guy online and my life has changed so much for the better. Only problem is that he lives really far away. Should we even try doing an LDR since we haven't technically met offline?

Long post alertThis is my first post here. I'm a 19F from New Delhi, India. Abour 6 months ago, this guy that i really liked ended up telling me that he fell for (and is now dating) my bestfriend. (Its a really dumb and frustrating story and hopefully irrelevant to my situation.) I was really mad at them and I needed a distraction. So naturally, like the dumbass that I am, i ended up downloading tinder.It was literally just a way to distract me from my thoughts but it turned out to be one of the best decisions i ever took. I was swiping and ended up matching with this guy. We started talking. Turns out he lives in Mumbai, India. That's a little over 1400 km (~888.5 mil). We have spent hours and hours talking to each other. Every single day since April. Sometimes all night long, literally. We shared our life stories, our goals, our aspirations, all of that with each other. He is a truly incredible person and we have helped each other in ways we couldn't even imagine. There were some incredibly shitty days in our lives (i lost a grandparent to covid, he was dealing with some deeply personal issues regarding his mental health) but the fact of the matter is that he made them better for me and (his words) I made them better for him.We both have accepted that we want to be "more than friends", and that we are really important to each other. His friends and cousins know about me. My friends and sister know about him. We have even said i love yous to each other. That's crazy because we both have had a really hard time saying it to other people. (I can't even say it back to my sister or friends.) And as crazy as it may sound, i really do mean it. We are both college students so we really can't afford the flights. At the same time, I come from a conservative family. Which means I can't go out the house even for a sleepover at a friend's house, so a trip that far away is out of question. I am trying to get into a university in Mumbai (for my postgrad), but my graduation doesn't complete for another year. Even then the acceptance rates aren't particularly high.I don't know what to do now. We know we might not be able to meet for a really long period of time. I'm afraid that if we take it any further and things don't go well, it might end even before we get to meet each other. i'm scared that it might feel like our lives are on pause. (In the sense that we haven't even had our first kisses yet, and obviously you all know about the desperately needed hugs and comfort) I asked him about this and he says that he doesn't think he will find someone he feels so comfortable with, but if i find someone here and wish to pursue things, i shouldn't feel guilty about it but that's something I can obviously NEVER do.So does anyone have any suggestions/opinions/anything really on this whole situation? via /r/LongDistance

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