Wednesday, October 14, 2020

I dont know what happened please read this

So today i lost my 3 months old rat to i dont know which disease. He was fine yesterday when i went to bed, except for the fact that he hadn’t eaten as much as usual but nothing alarming.This morning i woke up and he was REALLY weak, he was on his stomach, and wasnt even holding his head. I had to go to a doctor appointment so i told my bf to like cuddle with him, try to get him to eat/drink while i was away. On the bus i called the vet and got him an appointment for 3pm the same day.When i came back from the doc, my little man’s health had gotten so much worse, he was having spasms, difficulty breathing,he looked brain dead honestly. It was soooo hard to watch, i felt really useless and didnt know what to do. He died like 5 minutes later in my arms.I don’t understand what happened. It all went down so fast! What went wrong? I feel so guilty, could it be something i did? I want to eventually get a new rat but as of right now im too heartbroken and im also really scared because i dont want to go through this again.Anyone has any idea of what happened? He was so young... via /r/RATS

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