Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Bass has improved my body both mentally and physically and making my life 10X better than before I played.

Has you read from the title bass has benefited my body and mind. I’ve been playing bass for well over a year now and before I played I had week skinny arms. (I’m 14 btw) Now my arms are meaty! And firm! It has also improved my mental health, because whenever I was stressed or over whelmed I would play some grooves and feel more happy about myself. Before I played bass I was in a dark spot of depression and was pretty shy and anxious on who I wanted too be in my life and only focused on school. I picked up the bass because I would listen to Queen often and loved watching John Deacon play. It inspired me so I got a bass! Now I’m doing ever so great! I’m totally a different kid from wearing ugly clothes with a bad haircut too now a kid who isn’t shy and now haves long hair, and dresses as a punk, and best of all I haven’t felt stressed in months which has made my grades sky rocket! I feel like bass has changed my life forever, and for those of you who are starting out it might change you as well. :) via /r/Bass

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