Wednesday, October 14, 2020

I just want it all to stop

I can’t do this. I just can’t. I can’t do it for my kids, I can’t do it for my family, I can’t do it for my friends and I cannot do it for myself. I can’t I just want everything to freeze. I can’t live this way. I have lost everything and I’m looking at having a legal battle over my kids. I’m currently at a motel thinking of going into the bathtub and ending it all or maybe driving out to the shore and flinging myself in the ocean. I am currently facing homelessness, I have no chance to fight for the only people keeping me here. I just wanted to be a good mom. I couldn’t even do that.I just love them so much but my own mental health and hopelessness is getting in the way. I was talking to Him, I told him how I’m feeling and he just said ‘it can’t be that bad’ and continued to berate me. I just can’t live like this. via /r/SuicideWatch

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