Sunday, October 18, 2020

Looking for Feedback on my Low-Health Junkie's Gauss Shotgunner Build

I like playing with shotguns but after the last few patches I was left feeling a bit under powered. 250-some levels in with this full-health character, I decided it was time to try low-health for the Adrenal Reaction/Unyielding/Nerd Rage buffs.And it was totally worth it! Wish I hadn't scrapped all those Bloodied Gauss shotguns now, but I'll roll another eventually.In the meantime I'm using the Junkie's version and the accompanying addictions. Tooltip says it does 990-some damage before Adrenaline/Tenderizer. I also have a B/E Double-Barrel shotgun.Currently using a full set of SS armor with 2 Bolstering and 3 Unyielding pieces. Working towards all Unyielding. Everything is Buttressed, and other than the jetpack, everything is Ultralight.Below you can see my core build and what I've been playing around with. But I'm having trouble allocating these last 9 points. Maybe you can help.Do I really need Evasive if my DR/ER is in the 450 range without it? Do I need Action Boy if I'm running 4 pieces of Ultralight? Should I use GRS if VATS is trash (with this, and a few other weapons) and I'm trying to wean myself off it? What can't you live without that I've overlooked?Just looking for a little feedback from the pros. Thanks for your time. via /r/fo76

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