Saturday, October 17, 2020

My boss' boss accidentally sent me private health info about a coworker

My coworker left the office unexpectedly after lunch last week and we received an email from HR that he'll be out the rest of the week. My other coworkers and I thought it was a death in the family because it's so unusual for him to not tell us when he's feeling ill and about to go home. It was also radio silence from him on our group chat after work. Eventually one of us reached out via text letting him know if he needed anything we're here for him. He said it's nothing big and he'll tell us what happened when he gets back next week.Sunday I receive a text from my boss' boss 'T' with a screenshot of my sick coworker's texts to her letting her know he got a positive covid test on Friday and her message to me that she sent this to our companies owner and she hasn't heard back yet. I thought this was weird but this whole company operates weird so I replied asking her to let me know when she gets a response from the companies owner on what the next steps are. She immediately responded with "I sent that to you on accident, BIG MISTAKE. Please don't say anything". I'm not proud of myself for this, but I responded that I would keep this information to myself. She replied that she was going to call the health department tomorrow to find out what to do.Monday came and we found out sick coworker wasn't coming back for another week, possibly 2. My other coworkers were pretty sure it was covid related but weren't willing to get tested at this point. I mentioned that I believe he was covid positive and that's why he's out and that I'm getting a covid test. I send 'T' and HR an email asking for a halfday Wednesday for a doctors appointment and 'T' approves it.Tuesday, 'T' corners me at the printer and says "off the record, are you going to get a covid test tomorrow?” I nod my head yes and she responds "oh good, I'm getting one too. Keep me posted!” and walks off. I know it's not her company or call, but if you're going to get a test when he doesn't work closely with you like he does the rest of us, why wouldn't you warn everyone else to get tested?Wednesday I get home to a letter from work stating that a coworker tested positive and the health department told them that they dont have to tell us but because they care about us so much they're letting us know but it's no big deal. The details in the letter of when the employee left work and when they tested positive match my coworker.Now everyone in my area has gotten tested which is good. Today however, 'T' texts me from her personal phone telling me she worked from home Friday and got tested because she has cold symptoms and wants to know if I've gotten my results back. Talking to this person gives me such great anxiety, I can't stand keeping secrets like this from my coworker's who I love and I can't imagine something happening to them or their families and I'm now embroiled in it because I knew about it. And now this person is continuing unnecessary "off the record" contact with me that I DO NOT WANT. I'm not your ally, I just can't get fired right now.I don't know what to do. I really just want to cry. She's put the weight of the world on my shoulders and she's not backing off.Please tell me how I could've handled this better? I never want to get into this situation again in my life. via /r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide

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