Wednesday, October 14, 2020

My professor told me I should “take life less seriously” and she’s right. How to heed her advice?

I was apologizing to one of my favorite professors for not doing as well as I had wanted to do in one of her classes (not about the grade, which was higher than I deserved) because I had turned in very late work and fell back into bad habits.I was embarrassed and disappointed in myself. I know I didn't need to tell her how I felt, and I probably should not have, but I really really felt compelled to apologize and express that I wasn’t satisfied with myself and wished I could do it over again, because I really cared about the class and the material. She knows about my mental health issues because they came up in my classes with her. She has been very sympathetic. But then she told me I needed to “take life less seriously” and that I perhaps cared “a little too much” about her class for my own good.Does that mean the same thing as “don’t take yourself so seriously”?Now I feel really embarrassed. I know she’s right, but I feel like an idiot. She’s one of my favorite professors and I really look up to her. She and her colleagues are probably laughing at me right now. via /r/DecidingToBeBetter

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