Wednesday, October 14, 2020

My boyfriend was arrested his house was raided.

i don’t need anyone judgment, i need help and genuine care and advice, if your here to call me a dumb ass or a piece of shit i know and i don’t need to hear it again. i’ve known this boy for ages since we were 11 i’m 15 now and he’s 16. ever since i met him he’s gone down the wrong path, he’s done some bad things. he wasn’t always like this and i know there’s good in him and it breaks my heart. we both have mental health issues, we have helped eachother and he’s done so much for me, he also had his dad die and doesn’t have any family left, so he’s on his own. this caused so much grief and stress throughout his childhood and he has a lot of bottled emotions. he’s gone really bad this year, selling drugs, he had firearms in the house. someone reported him to the police and they got a warrant for his arrest. today the house was raided in the morning, it was terrifying and hard for me. though i had no involvement in any of this and i was let off because the cops don’t know me and i had no drugs nothing, i’m a fairly good kid and i’m in school. they took him and he resisted, the added a lot of charges up for him. it was hard to see the person i love freak out like that and get handcuffed. i don’t know how jail works i’m just a kid, idk anyone who’s been arrested or how anything happens. so if someone could tell me i’d appreciate it. i also just need some advice my mind is going insane because i have no answers or anything and my bf is just gone. i’m always gonna be loyal to him and i wouldn’t just up and leave because of this and i couldnt. i’m gonna be here when he gets out and i just hope he changes goes back to school and gets therapy. again just leave the hate; i’ve heard it before via /r/relationship_advice

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