Thursday, October 8, 2020

My Recruiters Are Always On My Ass For Referrals

Every Monday and every DEP meeting I attend, every time I contact my recruiters, and everytime I am called by my recruiters, I am asked for referrals, which means I have to provide the names and phone numbers of whatever referral I can think of at the time. I usually tell them I don’t have any because, well, I LITERALLY DON’T HAVE ANY TO PROVIDE.I have multiple reasons for this:I’m going to start simple. I have no family, I have no friends, and I have no friends of friends that are even eligible to join the Navy, even willing to join the Navy, or even WANTING to join the Navy.Even despite that, 90% of people in my area don’t want to join the Navy, and that other 10%? Basically, the Navy would just laugh at them if they even tried to sign up. They are absolutely not fit for any form of service. Combine that with the fact that my county has health problems among most of the population, and not even the military supporters/wanted-to-be’s (that sweet little 10% above) in my area, you’re just looking for fountain pens in an ocean of dollar-store Bic’s, my persistent friend.When I still attended high school physically, I had a small group of friends in high school, none of which were even remotely eligible to join the military, nor wanted to.I can only think of a very small group of people I knew SUPERFICIALLY when I was in school that would’ve been even REMOTELY able to join the Navy, not even considering the fact that I’m pretty sure most of them want to go to college after school instead of the Navy.I only knew the names and Instagrams of some of the people from this group, so I tried providing those to my recruiters because I sure as shit wasnt going to have their numbers. A lot of them didn’t even know me in high school. I tried working with what I could (only had their names and Instagrams) and they still pesture me to try and obtain their phone numbers.These people that I SOMEWHAT knew in high school have lives now and they aren’t going to provide their phone number to someone they didn’t know all-too-well in school, let alone don’t share the same interests in joining the military as I did. They were my peers, sure. But that didn’t make them some high school buddies that would’ve marched up to the recruiting station with me and sign the same day.It isn’t my Goddamn obligation to get them other teenagers to sign up. If I could, I would try to do that if there were any even willing to do that in my area. But guess what? I literally have nothing to provide to them for referrals. In terms of potential referrals for the Navy, it is absolutely bone-fucking-dry where I live. There is nothing I can do for them. It has been four months since I swore the oath at MEPS and it has been like that ever since. I’ve done everything I could have done for them in my power already in terms of trying to get referrals. I wish they’d just get off my ass for referrals already. via /r/newtothenavy

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