Thursday, October 8, 2020

Opportunity To Be A Chapter President of an international medical non-profit

Hello! I am the Chief Operating Officer of an international medical nonprofit that focuses on public health and medicine which was started after our founder’s paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother died from heart disease and stage IV cancer. So as an organization we strive to educate members of society on these diseases and their proper way of getting preventative screening so that such diseases can be detected in time and get proper treatment. So far our organization has helped 50,000 people and has around 52 international chapters, which we correlate with to provide services in their respective areas. We believe that even if we help and educate one person, the family of the patient will discover the true meaning of correct education and gain knowledge which will be passed on and on, which means essentially, educating people one at a time, once someone is educated on such topics, the family gains the same knowledge and understanding. iCure is on all six inhabited continents. We have chapters at Harvard, Yale, Brown and Northwestern. We have more chapters that are in the process of being created in other universities. We are affiliated with Johns Hopkins, Methodist and Memorial Hermann. If anyone would like an international leadership position. Please visit our website: and email []( are looking for new high-school and college chapter applicants. Please PM me and our team can further communicate with you.Additionally, we are also looking for a website overhaul person who has experience in this field, we use go-daddy tools and services.Have a wonderful rest of the day and we hope you stay safe from COVID-19. via /r/highschool

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