Wednesday, October 14, 2020

My SO has serious mental health struggles and apparent long term covid related health issues and I feel like my life is over.

I’ve been an underemployed video freelancer for several years after leaving a super toxic long time full time job. My bank account has gone down as I’ve tried to hustle new clients and regular gigs, and it just hasn’t paid off the way I’d hoped.Over the last few years my SO’s mental health issues have gotten more severe and now she is having long term health issues after a bout with covid back in March. She’s going to apply for disability when her unemployment runs out. She’ll get like $150/week of it works out. Hardly anything in NYC. If her condition doesn’t improve markedly, I can’t see her ever working full time again.I don’t make enough money to support us both. I don’t think I can find a full time job in this environment. I have no idea what to do other than sell our apartment and move back to RI where my sister and I still own our old family home (folks are deceased.)I’d never have dreamed I’d be in such a predicament, especially since my SO used to make good money in advertising. Life has a way of tossing shitty surprises at you, I guess.Thanks for reading. If you need some video work done, hit me up :)And to put it all in perspective, I feel relatively lucky. I don’t know how a lot of folks are surviving in this covid world. Hang in there, people. via /r/TrueOffMyChest

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