Friday, October 16, 2020

No Man's Sky Photo Contest

I'm not sure if this breaks any r/NMSCoordinateExchange rules but please take a minute to read.No Man's Sky has come a long way since it was released. I can see that many of us are thankful for Sean Murray and Hello Games seeing the vision through as far as Origins. We have all travelled a long way to get here and I can see that following r/NoMansSkyTheGame. I really enjoy this community from the enthusiasm to its cooperative nature. No traveller is alone in this vast, nearly infinite simulation.Lately, I've been thinking a lot about my own relationship No Man's Sky and this community. Without going into too much detail I was in a not so good place in my life when this game released and it saw me through some days I really didn't believe I was going to get through otherwise. I played so much including just leaving the game run while I slept that I destroyed my TV after which I didn't play for a long time.Well I was going through something similar recently when I rejoined during Desolation. It has been a tough time but this game and this community have kept me engaged. And what I've seen this time is that there are other people who are going through similar experiences mostly dealing with anxiety and depression. Yet somehow we all gather in this community and in-game to share in this breathtaking, immersive, and unique (albeit bugged/frustrating at times) experience.Needless to say it got me thinking, what if we put that to some good that speaks for itself. I'm not talking about making a mountain out of nothing here but what if we sponsored a contest that would give back to organizations that do this kind of work improving the quality of people's lives through encouraging and supporting their mental health. My answer to that is to create a No Man's Sky photo contest.I'm willing to donate a $100 for one traveler's prize-winning in-game photograph and that's just to start. r/NoMansSkyTheGame has 435k members and I imagine if we did a second contest and everyone donates at least $1 for entry we could come up with a small sum for prize-winning photographs and a healthy sum to donate to a mental health organization or create one which I already have an idea called Dreadnaught (I already own the domains and let me know your thoughts and opinions and if anyone is willing to collaborate/contribute on this with me.TLDR: I'm measuring interest in a NMS photo contest and I'm willing to donate $100 to a mental health organization of the winner's choice. via /r/NMSCoordinateExchange

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