Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Rant on my idea on why big animals don’t get cancer.

Cancer is a couch potato, it likes humans because generations have become couch potato’s. So it’s easy for them as a couch potato to infect a couch potato. (Understandable context: Humans who don’t live a healthy live style are more likely to die because cancer is too lazy to care about anyone else but us.) Big creatures don’t get cancer like Elephants because they’re always on the move, they always stand, they are always eating, they are immune to cancer because of those traits. Humans who work out like this everyday (minus the eating all day trait) are hypothetically immune to cancer.You may say cancer happens in our body when a cell refuses to die and the health cells can kill the cancer cell and fail in elephants, we can assume their immune system is very good. via /r/cancer https://ift.tt/3kjJGrP

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