Sunday, October 18, 2020

Teaching in 2020, Looking for Tiny Steps Advice

I've always struggled with my weight and as soon as I got hired into my 1st teaching job, my weight sky rocketed. I went from 170 to 200 in a year. Now with the pandemic and teaching being extra time consuming and stressful, I've gained another 20 lbs and depression. Woo.I thought I was making small steps with getting rid of pop and starting to cook. But the pandemic completely reversed everything and I feel so helpless. I'm working more than ever with no energy to cook so I've been eating a lot of fast food. Caffeine has wormed its way into my life again. Im just sooo stuck.Ive always wanted to be 140 again and the further away I get, the more hopeless it feels.I can eat well for a week and all of it disappears if I eat 1 bad thing. My self control is totally shot.I know counting is the way to go but my health, both physical and mental is so shit this year, I can't find the energy.I'm looking for advice of tiny steps that I could take to bring my confidence back up. Everything I try feels like failure and I need ideas for something manageable when Im working 10 hour days and sleeping for another 10. Everyday.Thank you. via /r/loseit

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