Tuesday, October 13, 2020

[Support Champion Concept] Clauss, the Hemo-Medic

Note: This is my first attempt at a champion, so be a bit forgiving <3​Appearance:He is a 49-year-old man, with short wavy black hair and a grey ducktail beard. He wears a brown wooly waistcoat with a white shirt under. As for his legs, he wears grey trousers and brown oxfords. He wears his gauntlet on his right hand. It is silver with 3 gems attached to it.​Abilities:Auto-attacks: Claus swings his gauntlet in the air in the direction of his target, dealing damaging his enemy’s internal organ (So it is not a projectile, but more like a long melee attack). His auto-attack range is the same as Lucian’s.Quick to action (P): He gains movement speed for each nearby damaged ally, based on their missing hp. He also gains a short burst of attack speed whenever he uses an ability.Neuralgia (Q): Claus enhances his next attack, damaging his opponent’s spinal cord, dealing magic damage, and stunning them for 1 second.Potent Stimulant (W): Claus injects an ally with a cocktail of drugs that gives them attack speed and causing 20% of the damage they take to be converted into a damage over time instead for 3 seconds. If the ally is healed by Combat transfusion, the damage over time is cleansed.Combat transfusion (E): Claus’s attacks puts a stack of Visceral scarring on enemy champions, stacking up to 5 times. Claus can detonate his stacks, consuming them, causing a hemorrhage that deals magic damage to the enemy champions and transferring the blood to his ally’s bodies, healing a nearby ally with the lowest hp, both the damage and healing are increased per stack. Combat transfusion’s cooldown is reduced by 50% for each champion with 5 stacks of Visceral scarring when activated. (The heal from combat transfusion prioritizes allies affected by Potent Stimulant, then lowest hp ally, then Claus himself if no ally is nearby.)Blood for blood (R): Claus sacrifices a portion of his health to the gauntlet, enhancing its powers, giving him bonus attack range, and turning his attacks into an AOE that applies Visceral scarring to all enemy champions hit for 6 seconds.​Playstyle:He is an AP support (perhaps even midlaner), that auto-attacks enemies to get the most out of his Combat transfusion. He can use his Combat transfusion for short trades (Auto-Combat transfusion) or long trades (5 Auto- Combat transfusion).His early game is all about stunning the right target with your q while quickly building stacks on them to heal your ally. You can choose to save your Potent stimulant for later into a fight when you are sure you have enough stacks to cleanse the Damage over time, or you can use it right away to get a quick burst of attack speed for short trades. In the mid-game, you will have to watch where you step as you activate Blood for blood to put an incredible amount of stacks onto multiple enemies for massive damage and heals for your whole team. But you have to make sure you can get the most out of your Blood for blood since the duration isn’t too long.​Lore:As the only child of two Noxian doctors, Claus put his parents in high regard. They treated the injured after every siege, even if most of their patients were enemies of the empire, the day before. As a young man, Claus aspired to follow in his parent’s tracks. So he traveled to Zaun to study the arts of medicine.While studying in Zaun, he was able to create a special gauntlet with the help of a Zaunite scientist. The gauntlet had sharp claws for fingertips, it was also empowered by 2 gems, one for focus and one to bend space. It allowed its user to make precise incisions onto any object within 2 meters near the gauntlet without having to come in contact with its surface. It was the perfect tool to do surgeries without damaging vital organs.After finishing his studies in Zaun, he returned to Noxus and practiced as a surgeon for the next 19 years. He found out that most of his patients were at death’s door by the time they would arrive at his operation table. Over time, more and more of his patients died as wars grew fiercer.Feeling like he was failing at his duty, he traveled through Noxus seeking a Hemomancer that was said to able to heal any fatal wound. After years of searching, he was finally able to attend the Hemomancer’s presence.At first, the Hemomancer rejected helping him. But impressed by Claus’s devotion to his cause, he bestowed upon Claus a gem that allowed him to use blood from freshly cut wounds to heal all types of injures and ailments.With his search over, Claus returned to Noxus to help those in need. Soon, Clause enrolled to become a combat medic since that was where we could save the most lives. With the power of the crimson gem in his gauntlet, he uses his enemy’s blood to save his allies in the midst of battle. Even though he knows that war is cruel and bloody, the sooner he helps end it, the fewer people will have to suffer.​Personality and Interactions:He has a strict and professional personality but that’s only because he cares about those around him. Claus doesn’t want to cause agony onto anyone, so he always makes sure his kills are swift and painless.He can have some interaction with champions like Vladimir, Dr. Mundo, Draven, Darius, Sion, Swain, Warwick, and Twitch.Here are some examples:Dr. Mundo:The thing you practice isn’t medicine, it’s torture!And you call yourself a doctor?Draven:Don’t even compare us. You shed blood for entertainment, I shed blood to save lives.A man who suffocates in his own ego knows nothing of true pride.Darius:Your method of fighting is cruel, Darius. All your victims screamed till their last breath.Swain:When do you intend to end this pointless bloodshed, Jericho Swain?Warwick:What kind of abomination has crawled out of Zaun this time?Twitch:I have heard about your poison, Sewer rat. More of it is filth than toxins.He could also have special interactions with void champions, non-Humanoids, and vastaya, commenting on their anatomy. via /r/leagueoflegends https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jafwqe/support_champion_concept_clauss_the_hemomedic/?utm_source=ifttt

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