Thursday, October 15, 2020

Trouble with cuddle time

So I've had my guinea pigs for almost 5 months now. I got them from a pet shop and they are apparently brothers so I'm assuming they have always been together.When I first got them it took some time and patience to get them to warm up to me. But I still feel like I'm expecting more affection from them. I know guinea pigs are generally skittish but I really like cuddling with them to help with my mental health but it's sometimes is more of a hassle.I usually cuddle one at a time. I know that they might prefer being together but when I put them together it's a lot of fighting and one even peed on the other one while they were on my bed. They were doing that when I would take them out for floor time but was not expecting it while I was cuddling with them. Besides the fighting, another thing I have to stress about is them peeing on me or my bed. One of them always wants to pee so I always have to watch out for him because he always wants to scooch his butt of the pee pad to pee. And when I try to keep him on he won't pee and will climb all over me and try to get off the pad. They will also start chattering their teeth sometimes. I'm not petting them anywhere they don't like so I'm not sure why they chatter. Because their is nothing different I do when they don't chatter.Yeah they're not chill at all when I'm cuddling with them. They are always trying to run around on my bed instead of staying one place and on the pee pad. I think sometimes one is trying to get back to the cage or to his brother. So that's why I want to cuddle them together but they fight a lot together. But idk if they just want to run around and explore. That's why I tried lying by their cage to see if they will cuddle with me willingly instead of me picking them up but they don't. I tried luring them with food but idk if they will eventually come without food. If I already pick one up and lie down with him on my chest and give him the option to leave, he runs to his cage and doesn't come back. They are comfortable with going outside their cage since I open it during the day and set up a floor time area right beside it. But when they come out they still won't come to me.So I'm not sure what to do. I always thought that it was because they were in the teenager phase but they are about 9 months now so I was expecting them to calm down by now. I also don't know if it's because they don't like cuddling but they climb onto me and run up my chest and they lick my fingers too. But they don't do that if they have the option to stay in their cage. Only if I put treats on me. So idk if they need more time or what. via /r/guineapigs

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